Matteo and Rebecca have  worked for us as our property manager for a year now and have  proved to be very helpful and efficient. They have  excellent contacts and relationships with all the service people in the area and they seem  to be able to service our needs at the drop of a hat.

They are enthusiastic and have  made our lives considerably easier as they  take  all the local problems off our shoulders. They are also  excellent communicators  keeping us informed at all times of the situation.

We do not believe we would have a successful rental season without  them, let alone the peace of mind we have that they are  keeping an eye on the property during the winter months.

David  & Gill Haworth
17- 5 2010




"Matteo and Rebecca are the ideal couple to care for our property as they have the local knowledge and relationships to resolve issues, they understand customer service and know what we and our guests needs are, and they have the language skills and cultural understanding to facilitate communication with Italian and English speakers.  We are extremely satisfied with their service and recommend them

Jonathan Buckingham
Pianelle- Campo della Fiora,



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